Because it is far easier to automate one script running through an open, homogeneous system than many different scripts across a heterogeneous one, standardization is the key to automation. 因为自动化一个通过开放的同类系统运行的脚本比在异构系统中运行许多不同的脚本要简单得多,所以标准化是自动化的关键。
This paper discusses the local topological structure of plane homogeneous fifth system, and gives a criteria by the right-hand polynomial coefficients. 讨论了平面齐五次系统在临界情形下的局部拓扑结构,并给出利用系统右端多项式系数的判断准则。
The Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) photographs of fracture surface of the hybrid material show that the hybrid material presents homogeneous system without obvious inorganic particle forming. 杂化材料的断面扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明,硅氧烷的水解缩合并未形成大颗粒纳米粒子而是形成均相体系。
Global topological classification and coefficient conditions of a kind of plane homogeneous fifth system with five special direction is studied. 讨论了一类有一对和两对特殊方向的平面齐五次系统的全局结构,并给出了它们的系数条件。
This paper discusses the further characteristic of the homogeneous system of linear equations solution space, as well as the application in the proof of matrix rank equality. 讨论齐次线性方程组解空间的进一步性质,以及在矩阵秩等式证明中的应用。
Latte, which is a homogeneous system, has a very, very large number of components to it All the components that make up the milk. 拿铁咖啡是个均匀系统,但它有非常非常多的组分,牛奶中的所有组分咖啡中的所有组分。
Structure characters of mechanical zinc plating were described which is a discontinuous and homogeneous system composed of zinc. 阐述了机械镀锌层的结构特征,是由金属锌组成的不均连均质体系。
Rice hull cellulose reacts with toluene-2,4-diisocyanate as cross-linking agent in a DMAc/ LiCl homogeneous system to produce a new biodegradable cellulose film. 以甲苯-2,4二异氰酸酯为交联剂与稻壳纤维素在DMAc/LiCl均相系统中反应,制备了一种新型生物可降解性纤维素薄膜。
Quintic homogeneous system is transformed into the generalized cubic homogeneous system. Demonstrates the relationship between the second, third and fourth weak saddles and parameter A. 将齐五次系统经变换化为广义齐三次系统,讨论了该系统的二、三、四阶鞍点量与参数A的关系.以便于进一步讨论齐五次系统鞍点量上界问题。
A Theorem of the Eigenvalue of the m& Dimensional Homogeneous System of the Ordinary Differenfial Equations 高维齐次系统常微方程本征值的一个定理
Diffusion algorithm is a dynamic load balancing method for homogeneous system. 扩散方法是同构系统的动态负载平衡算法。
Summarizes the main process for isopropyl benzene-an important chemical intermediate material production: aluminium chlordie in a homogeneous system process and solid phosphoric acid process as well as the recent developed catalytic rectification process, their main technical parameters and comprehensive figures. 简述目前世界上生产异丙苯的主要方法:均相三氯化铝法、固体磷酸法以及近年新开发成功的催化精馏法,并列出这三种方法的主要技术参数及综合指标。
The rhodium complexes generated from terr-butyl group ( s) substituted triphenylphosphines showed cone angle effect for normal aldehyde in homogeneous system. 苯环上含叔丁基的三苯基膦-铑配合物在均相氢甲酰化反应中,表现出明显的配位锥角效应,获得较好的正构醛选择性;
The study of radiation induced graft copolymerization of acrylonitrile on silk protein in homogeneous system 丙烯腈与丝素蛋白均相辐射接枝共聚的研究
Better disk workload balance can be acquired in the homogeneous system, consequently, relative workload balance status can be reached in various nodes of the system. 该方案在同构系统中,达到了较好的磁盘负载平衡,从而各个节点的负载也达到了相对平衡的状态。
Organic gold ink as a new material has used for thick-film technology. It is a homogeneous system. 有机金浆作为一种新材料被应用在厚膜上。
This note presents a method to solve a homogeneous system of linear equations by giving linear independent vectors as a system of basic solutions. 给出求以已知一组线性无关的向量为基础解系的齐次线性方程组的方法。
In order to design a kind of homogeneous system, computational modeling and simulation techniques are necessary to ensure that final implementation of the system performs optimally. 在系统级利用计算模型和仿真技术进行设计有利于解决系统的复杂性和异构性问题,保证系统最终执行的正确性。
The innovation of the embedded system consists in construction and function integration, standard application to industry communication protocol, standard of software interface and development of application software. It can be consulted and popularized by homogeneous system. 本系统在结构和功能集成、标准工业通信协议应用、软件接口标准化规范、应用软件开发技术等方面均有创新之处,对于同类系统的设计具有实际的参考和推广价值。
Preparation of Nopinic Acid from β-pinene in Homogeneous System 均相体系中β-蒎烯氧化制备诺蒎酸
Simulation of Pressure Fields of PS/ CO_2 Homogeneous System in Foaming Die 发泡机头流道内PS/CO2均相体系压力场的模拟
By adding stabilizer to SBS modified paving asphalt, SBS and base asphalt form a homogeneous system and thus its storage stability has been improved. 对于SBS改性沥青,通过加入稳定剂使SBS与基础沥青反应形成了一相,从而解决了储存稳定性。
The Weak Saddle of the Generalized Cubic Homogeneous System 广义齐三次系统鞍点量问题
The number of recycle of rhodium catalyst in homogeneous catalytic system with inorganic salt can be increased. 对部分添加了无机盐的均相催化体系寿命进行了考察,结果表明,添加无机盐后,提高了铑催化剂的循环使用次数。
Trimethylsilyl methylcellulose ( TMS-MC) was synthesized by using methylcellulose and hexamethyldisilane in a homogeneous system. 使用甲基纤维素和六甲基二硅胺烷(HMDS)合成了三甲基硅基甲基纤维素醚(TMS-MC)。
When two light sources with same amplitude and an initial phase difference of 180 ° are placed in a homogeneous system, according to interference theory, there will be a phase jump of 180 ° and a null intensity in the center plane of the two sources. 当在均匀介质中存在两个幅值相等、初始相位相差180°的近红外光源阵列时,依据光学相干原理,两光源的中垂线即为幅值为零、相位突变的零线。
Based on Differential Evolution algorithm ( DE), the scheduling algorithms of the two encoding structures are designed for homogeneous system and the scheduling performances of two methods are compared. 以微分算法为例,对两种调度编码方式分别设计同构系统调度算法,并比较两种方式的调度性能。
High activity for coupling reaction can be achieved using homogeneous palladium catalysts. However, many noble metals used in homogeneous system are quite expensive and it is difficult to separate the soluble catalyst from the reaction system. 钯的均相催化剂对偶联反应的催化效果非常理想,但是许多贵金属应用于均相催化体系中代价很大,并且从反应体系中不易分离。
This dissertation analyzed the limitations of the existing task duplication based heuristic algorithms, and then proposed two scheduling algorithms for homogeneous system and heterogeneous system respectively. 本文分析了现有任务复制算法的不足,提出了适用于同构系统和异构系统的调度算法。
However, metalloporphyrin has some shortcoming in homogeneous system, such as self-oxidation, dimerization, and unstability. Furthermore, the process of autoclave-type reaction is often complex and not easy to control. 但是,在均相反应体系中,金属卟啉存在自氧化、二聚和无法回收等问题,而且,釜式反应大多工艺复杂,不易于反应条件的控制。